Campaign for Uyghurs

Anniversary of the Urumchi Massacre

CFU Press Release For Immediate Release July 5, 2020 9:00 A.M EST Contact: On July 5-7, 2009, the world watched in horror, but with little understanding of what they were viewing, as thousands of lives were destroyed and

Happy 4th of July from Campaign for Uyghurs

CFU Press Release For Immediate Release July 4, 2020 9:00 A.M EST Contact: The land of the free, and the home of the brave. On the occasion of the anniversary of this pivotal point in American history, we

Uyghurs Face Genocide, Hong Kong Will Too

CFU Press Release For Immediate Release July 1, 2020 11:00 A.M EST Contact: Today is a day for solemnity. It need not be the end of the struggle, but we at Campaign for Uyghurs mourn with the brave

Where is Suriye Tursun? 

In a video testimony filmed for Campaign for Uyghurs, Jevlan Shirmehmet asks again for real answers from the Chinese government regarding the disappearance of his mother, Suriye Tursun. Jevlan has lived in Turkey since the year 2011. He has been

Release of Crucial New Study by Dr. Adrian Zenz

The release of the latest study by Dr. Adrian Zenz offers further concrete evidence of the Chinese government’s genocidal crimes. Using Chinese regional data, Chinese documents, and interviews, the plummeting birth rate, population statistics, number of sterilization procedures, and even

Pakistan Compromising the Soul of Islam 

(CFU Exclusive) Chinese propaganda sources laughably referred to as “news” outlets are quite fond of a certain tired tactic. Spouting Communist Party propaganda, they bring in foreign “experts” (usually unremarkable people with absolutely no area of expertise on the stated