
Training for letter writing

Washington D.C., Virginia ve Maryland bölgesinde insanlar, aktivizm için Kongre, medya, ve mektup yazma için bu Çarşamba akşamı iki buçuk saat bize katılın lütfen.

Rushan Abbas’s recent speech on Uyghur atrocity

Thanks for giving us this platform and opportunity to address the atrocity of the century. Since April 2017, millions of Uyghurs have been rounded up by Chinese authorities and sent to large modern-day concentration camps. The camps are the culmination

Uyghurs: Oppression for the Sake of Progression in China

Join us for a side event during the Second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom by the State Department. Uyghurs: Oppression for the Sake of Progression in China, hosted by Campaign for Uyghurs and the World Uyghur Congress on Tuesday, July


Greetings to all, and my heartfelt appreciation for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation for giving me this opportunity to address today. As Madam Speaker Pelosi pointed out here, it has been 30 long years since we have witnessed the