China’s Covid Crimes Continue: Uyghur Slave Labor Used for Personal Protective Equipment Production

Chinese companies are using Uyghur slave labor to produce personal protective equipment during the pandemic. The P.P.E is then shipped to countries like the United States. (Jingzhou TV, via Haokan Video)
CFU Press Release
For Immediate Release
July 20, 2020 11:30 a.m. EST

With the release of the latest New York Times article, which highlighted the evidence that China is using Uyghur slave labor to produce personal protective equipment to be sold across the world, with shipments also arriving in the US. Campaign for Uyghurs can also sadly confirm this disgusting practice with current information received from China. 

CFU recently received written and video testimony from an expat living in China who spoke to staff about his discovery that  a Uyghur girl he had met was being used as a forced laborer in a mask production facility. Forbidden from leaving her dormitory, save to eat lunch, her life as described by her friend was filled with fear. He described watching her waste away and her admission that she was given much to eat, as well as her emotional state. Desperate to help her, he pleaded for someone to tell him what to do. In his video testimony he also speaks about the racial discrimination he himself is receiving as a foreign citizen. 

As coverage of the enormous-scale atrocities carried out against the Uyghurs grows, we also see China respond the only way they can: by deflecting or showing videos of “happy” Uyghurs dancing. In the midst of a global pandemic, when most people were still avoiding group gatherings and protecting their lives, why are these “happy” Uyghurs viewed as expendable enough to send out in masse? The answer? The very word that continues to cause ripples and stains on societies. Slavery. If we care about injustice, we must cut off our ties to it wherever it is found. We have seen the shackled human beings, the harvested hair, and heard the cries of victims. What more must the world see to act to save humanity?



Campaign for Uyhgurs

We defend the human rights of uyghur people and the free world by exposing and confronting the chinese government's genocide, and empowering uyghur women and youth in the diaspora.


CFU Calls on Thailand to Stop Uyghur Deportation 

CFU PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 26, 2025, 11:00 AM  Contact: +1 650-703-4523 Washington, D.C. – Campaign for Uyghurs (CFU) urges the Thai government to