CFU Demands Immediate Release of Dr. Gulshan Abbas on 5th Anniversary of Unjust Imprisonment

September 12, 12:00 PM ET
Sabrina Sohail:
(650) 703-4523

Campaign For Uyghurs (CFU) demands for the immediate release of Dr. Gulshan Abbas, on the 5th anniversary of her unjust imprisonment by the Chinese regime. Gulshan, who is 61, was arbitrarily detained by the Chinese regime on September 10, 2018, in a blatant act of retaliation against the activism of CFU Executive Director Rushan Abbas and her brother, Dr. Rishat Abbas, President of the Uyghur Academy – International and a senior advisor to the World Uyghur Congress.

In December 2020, CFU uncovered the long awaited truth that Gulshan Abbas had been secretly sentenced to prison on false charges. Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, later confirmed this on public broadcast. False charges such as Dr. Abbas’ are a common tactic used by the Chinese regime to justify their unlawful detention and genocide of the Uyghur people. In the case of Dr. Gulshan Abbas, it was used to perpetuate transnational repression against American Uyghurs, including Gulshan’s sister and brother, who spoke out about the Chinese Government’s crimes.

Dr. Rishat Abbas, Gulshan’s brother and a steadfast advocate for the Uyghur cause, denounces the baseless charge against his sister, stating, “The Chinese regime’s attempt to justify her unlawful detention through these fabricated accusations is a testament to their disregard for basic human rights. We will not be silenced, and we will continue to demand her release.”

Gulshan’s daughter, Ziba Murat, expresses her anguish and determination, saying, “Today marks this sad but significant milestone. For five long years, my mother’s absence in our lives has been a constant painful reminder of the suffering endured by countless Uyghur families. My mother is a symbol of resilience and courage in the face of this cruelty. We implore the international community to stand with us and demand her immediate release.”

Rushan Abbas and many others believe her sister was taken due to her participation in a panel at the Hudson Institute, where she denounced the Uyghur genocide and the oppressive policies imposed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and, shed light on her 24 missing in-laws. Rushan reflects on this dark chapter, “My sister, Dr. Gulshan Abbas, stands as a symbol of the countless Uyghurs unjustly detained in Chinese internment camps. Her imprisonment is a grave injustice, a retaliation against those who dare to speak out against the horrors inflicted upon the Uyghur people.”

CFU remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice for Dr. Gulshan Abbas and all Uyghurs unjustly detained by the Chinese regime. We call upon the international community to join us in this urgent plea for her immediate release and to unite against the ongoing human rights abuses perpetrated by the CCP.



Campaign for Uyhgurs

We defend the human rights of uyghur people and the free world by exposing and confronting the chinese government's genocide, and empowering uyghur women and youth in the diaspora.


CFU Calls on Thailand to Stop Uyghur Deportation 

CFU PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 26, 2025, 11:00 AM  Contact: +1 650-703-4523 Washington, D.C. – Campaign for Uyghurs (CFU) urges the Thai government to